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Can I Hire A Lawyer With No Upfront Fees?

While it may seem strange that you can hire a personal injury lawyer for free, after all, nothing is free in this world, yet it’s true. However, if you are ever hurt in a personal injury accident, you likely are paying lots of money in extra expenses and bills. You simply don’t have the big bucks it takes to hire legal help. You can hire an attorney who won’t bill you until you win your settlement.

You can’t afford personal injury lawyer fees, now what?

Most people simply don’t have an extra $3,000 lying around that they don’t know what to do with. This is about what it costs to hire a personal injury lawyer. The good news is that lawyers at most legal firms are willing to work on a pro-bono basis until you win your case in court. If you win, you’ll be handing a small portion of your settlement over to your lawyer. You need a lawyer to win your case in court since insurance companies are always looking for a justification to award the lowest payouts possible.

Personal injury lawyer fees

If you were not already aware of this, you need to know the following about personal injury lawyer fees in San Leandro:

● You will generally not be paying fees in advance
● Most lawyers charge a contingency fee which is a small portion of your total settlement
○ Contingency fees are advantageous to you because they don’t result in a charge for you if your case does not win in court
○ You will not be billed by the hour for services
○ You sustain little to no financial risks – you will not have huge legal bills to pay if you do not win your case in court
○ You don’t have to worry about going up against insurance companies with lots of money
○ Personal injury lawyers have your interests in mind when they work with you.

Who pays lawsuits costs in a personal injury case?

Both you and your personal injury lawyer will, albeit out of your settlement money. Most personal injury law firms tend to advance all filing and other costs associated with the lawsuit into a special account. Money to pay for these costs will be deposited when you win the lawsuit.

Now that you are aware that most personal injury lawyers in Pleasant Hill don’t make their charges active until and unless you win your personal injury lawsuit, either in or out of court, you can hire the best legal help who will work with you to craft a personal injury lawsuit that wins the settlement you want and need.
